we love planet EArth

Grin Garden Kids Dental and Ortho | Burbank, CA

We care about our planet and  look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint everyday. One of our priorities is to become a more sustainable dental office so that future generations can continue to enjoy our green earth. We also want to encourage our young patients on the importance of reusing and recycling.

How we vow to practice sustainably

Less plastic

  • Bulk items (prophy paste, floss, and fluoride )
  • paper goodie bags
  • Paper cups, plates and disposables
  • Sterilizable products vs disposable whenever possible
  • Oral health products are offered, not automatically provided

environmentally conscious

  • Washable clinic gowns and hair coverings
  •  energy efficient features (LED lighting and more)
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss container recycling program
  • Recycled paper products


  • Converting to  paperless office 
  • Digital x-rays 
  • No mercury waste 
  • Recycled furnishings 
  • No VCO paint
  • Less harsh FDA approved disinfectants
  • In house water distiller

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle